Saturday, November 24, 2012

First Grandbaby

On October 24,2012 @ 9:13am at St. Johns owasso hospital. My youngest child became a mother to Aleah Rena Bunch.She came 3wks early.

Here is how it went:

Calli, my daughter who is now 20, graduated from Community care college as a Medical assistant. I was so proud to see her wobble across the stage but I also knew she was in alot of pain. She had been inconsistant contractions and already hospitalized for preterm labor prior.After we got home that night she said she needed to go out to her exboyfriends house and give his sister some scrubs because she, his sister was starting a new job and needed them. Calli called me on the way back crying and saying something doesn't feel right. I told her to stop crying long enough to get home. Well, as I laid my head down on the pillow, she came home and was saying again, "there is something not right, I am hurting, and tired of being pregnant, this baby needs to just get here". Well, then she went to the bathroom and yelled,"Mom!" I knew before I saw that her water had broken. I went back and forth between excited and freaked out as we took her to the hospital. It is amazing the way these sort of things go by in slow motion. I watched Calli labor for several hours and then the decision was made to give her an epidural, not because of her complaints of pain, but because she was not relaxing and there was no cervical change. Well, she got the epidural then the pitocin to get her labor really going. Then a few hours later the decision was made because Aleah's heartrate was decreasing with each contraction for Calli to get a C section. Exhausted, overwhelmed and anxious was the feeling that everyone included was feeling.But, we were all ready to see little Aleah's precious face.

I was allowed with Kyle (Aleahs daddy) to be in on the C section. OMG I was nervous. As I walked into the room, the first thing I noticed was the smell. It smell....clean and cold if cold can be smelled. I got on one side of Calli's head and Kyle got on the other. Within 10 minutes of tugging, pulling and my little girl crying because it was so uncomfortable for her because of the trouble they were having in getting the baby out, the doctor holds up this bloody, purple, cute little baby girl and says, "look at your granddaughter grandma." OMG the feeling of seeing her for the first time was almost more overwhelming than when I had my kids. The feeling of love  for her and my little baby girl that was now a mother was almost more than I could handle. I never thought that I could love so much but apparently I could, cause I did, I do. I love my daughter more now than ever. I love little Aleah so much. Being a grandma or "GiGi" as I am choosing to be called is going to be such a wonderful journey. I thank God so much for allowing me to do this.

Momma and her daughter
Sleeping so peacefullly
She is mad!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

My Everything

I cry out to You, Oh God, my King
You are my all, my everything
My heart is so heavy, my tears are so much
I need You more now, I need Your sweet touch
The enemy is trying to kill and destroy
The faith I have, the peace and joy
As I take Your hand and You lift me up
I trust in You as You take this cup
I love You, Oh God, my master, my King
You are my all, and my everything

Sunday, December 4, 2011


I have many fascinations and I will talk about a few:

#1-Snowmen-I don't know when this started, it just did. I have been collecting them for about 7yrs now. I am trying really hard not to get too many.I think they are just so cute! I treat all of them like they are prescious jewels or something. I guess to me they are.
#2-Books-I hate to read! But I love books! I know this is crazy but it is so true.All you have to do is look at my bookshelve and see all my barely opened books and see that I love them.
#3-Socks, don't know why I just do. Thick, thin, trouser, boot, ankle etc....I love them!
#4-Blankets-Yes, I do have a "blankie". I don't even know where I got it. But I have to have it when I watch movies. I like all kinds of blankets. Thick, thin, big, little, handmade, crochetted or whatever. I like blankets.
#5-Twinkle lights. I won't even explain this one. I just like them in the house. End of story.

So, here are a few of my fascinations that I hope you will get a good laugh about or even a smile.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Why am I able to say I am a strong person? I could make this short and very simple by saying that it has all been God. But, today I  am not going to do just that because I feel like writing.

If I were to start in the beginning, I could blame the birth. My birth. Yep, I was supposed to be born dead or retarded......Yes, I have been the "butt" of that joke for my entire lifetime. I was born cracking  a big ole 5 lb smile. I was breech. My dad was told that it did not look good so they watched me.( Now, this is what I have heard thru the years so it may or may not be completely correct.) My head was very oddly shaped and my fontanels (soft spots) were not formed correctly or something. I had a square head and I was not dead.Anyways, I also heard my sister had a little bit of sibbling rivalry going on and she was hitting me in the head with blocks. Hmm, that may explain the headaches as a child. Yeah, so I went thru a little as a new little person and that may have been the beginning, I don't know, I just like the story. lol.

So, I remember vaguely in October when my dad was standing at the door with a suitcase and said goodbye. I think it was around Halloween because I recall a life size skeleton on the front door. I was five.My sister was 7 and my brother was around 11yrs old. But, he got to go with dad. We stayed with mom.I only have a few memories of dad before that day and they were all great ones, so there aren't any complaints. I loved my dad so much but I think back then I loved my mom more.She eventually married Bob which was ok with us because we moved into a big two story house, went on vacations and really neat events at his job with IBM.It was a good move for mom. I loved her even more because she was home with us too. She became pregnant with my little brother eventually and had him and it kinda "rocked" my world a bit, but I still had my sister, Dawn.We were great friends I thought. I looked up to her so much. We got involved with a church at that time on Anderson Lane in Austin Texas. I loved that place so much!I got baptized a few times there for some reason. I learned there that I really liked to sing too. I remember my friends, Joel and Tami and myself would sing together at times. So, our lives went on with mom being married to Bob. I liked school, church and my Aunt Deann's alot. We went there alot. So is this where my strength came from? Maybe. I lived in a "pretend" land at this time. I had to so I would not be effected by what was really going on at home. School was my escape, church was my escape and Aunt Deann's was my safety. We went there for my mom to "recover". I remember waking at night to my mom and Bob arguing, wait it wasn't arguing, It was Bob yelling and cussing at my mom and the sound of a fist and a foot against my mom's body as she was saying "NO". My mom was beaten for 6 plus years by him. He beat my little brother and even my sister several times. He never really beat me for some reason. I still do not know why. I would have taken a hit so I did not have to see my mom being beaten, or my brother or my sister being shoved and kicked and punched. I only watched and sobbed and prayed.
We finally escaped this hell when I was around 11 or so.We all had our own load of scars whether it was physical or mental, we all had them, Mom, Dawn, Denny and myself. Is this where I became a strong person?
Mom met my 2nd stepdad when I was around 13. We were still in Texas and mom was doing pretty good as a single mom of 3.She seemed to bounce back very well from the abuse and divorce from Bob. She dated after this and  she eventually met Dearrell. At first, I thought he looked like a hippy with his long hair. We met him at a Pizza  place for the first time with his two daughters.He really grew on me and mom married him and we got a house together. It was nice but not like the house we had with Bob. My new stepdad was a person that didn't put up with much from us kids. If we did something wrong, we were punished. But, he loved us and he didn't ever scare us. He really loved my mom. I could tell he did because of the way he treated her. Then, I remember hearing mom screaming and she had been drinking. Those scars I talked about before were resurfacing and even ones from her horrendous childhood were reopened. It was bad, it was so hard to see her pain. But, Dearrell loved her so much and he loved her through the nights that were from hell. He still, to this day loves her. They have been married ever since. Was this what gave me strength?
Let's skip some details and get to when I was 17. Dawn had already moved out and we were living in Round Rock, TX. It was me, Denny, Dearrell, Mom and my dogs. It was the summer after my junior year in highschool. Alot had happened with my sister, my stepsisters, my brothers and so on and so on. I loved living in Round Rock. I loved my school and I finally became my own person apart from my sister. I had friends, though not many. I  was doing ok in school and I wanted to go to college. I had my first "serious" boyfriend the summer before. It lasted a big, I loved my life. Mom and I had some issues with her not wanting me to turn out like my sister. Which wasn't a bad thing, just not what she wanted for me.I got a job at Dairy Queen and really enjoyed that. Then, one day I was accused  of something I did not do and I could not convince my mom of my innocense so...  I left home. I eventually ended up at my Pastor's house and they took me in.I loved living there too! the next year I experienced graduation, wonderful friendships and my first true love that lasted a lot longer than 2 mths.My heart was broken, so broken by this I was 18, out on my own and had a freedom eventually that really got me into some trouble. Was this what made me strong?
Ok, let me skip ahead to the freedom part where I learned about alcohol and the many bad things that come with that. My first blackout was the first time I ever drank. I went and saw "TopGun" the next day with a horrible hangover. That was a mistake! Anyways, my drinking led me to Magnolia, Ark where I met my future husband and father of my kids.The kid came first though. After 7yrs of marriage, 3 kids and experiencing abuse, I became single again and guess what I did? I drank. Did this do it for me?
Thru the grace of God, I finally met Rick. My kids were 3, 5, and 7. I was a single mom and I liked to party. I made $3.35 an hour at Braums and worked alot, partied alot and my life became a blur. Then Rick came along. I fell quick and I fell hard! Yes, he is older than me, but so funny, interesting and made me feel safe. Long story short. I married him but only after alot of heart changes for myself and for him. We have been married now for 14yrs. We have a story here to but those of you who know us, know the story so I will  leave it out for now. I finally want to talk about what makes me strong. You can see I have not had a "Beaver Cleaver" life. I haven't really had a bad life compared to some people. There is always, always someone who has had it worse. But, you see, I know what makes me strong. God. He was there from the moment of my conception to now at 3pm on 11/26/2011. He will continue to show Himself great in my life forever. But, I also believe that what makes us strong are the many "hell's" we go thru. They give us character. They are the lines by our eyes as we get older, the limp in our walk. Or they can be the laughs in the midst of turmoil.It really depends what you do with them. Some give up, they can't take it anymore.Some self-medicate as I did, as my mom did and others have done that I love. Some pretend even as I did. They throw themselves into work or church and convice people they are "ok" when they are falling apart because of these things going on. I chose to live a life for God many years ago. But, it hasn't been until recently that I have realized that I truly have not been living for Him. The hard times have become so much easier even though they  truly are harder than anything I have walked thru.It is because of how I am looking at things now. He has changed my vision. He is what makes me strong. So, for today, with this all laid out for all to read and peer into a fourth of what I have walked thru, um wait, I was kinda dragged thru portions of these. I want all who read this to ask yourself "What makes me strong"? Ask yourself if you are just faking your way thru life, or are you truly being real with yourself and even with God. He loves us so much and He has given us every tool needed to go thru every situation we go thru. So, get real today and ask yourself some questions. I hope this was not a boring read but if it was it is ok. It was good for me to get this off my chest. Joy

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I have fought against many demons in my life.I have stood strong when most people were weak.I have overcome many, many mindsets that have been engrained in my mind since birth like I am stupid, a quitter, or that I am a failure. It seems at those times when I am doing really well, I am happy, comfortable, and at peace,this is the time that those demons try to enter into my mind again. They seem to think that they can catch me off guard or that they can scare me from behind leaving me staggering for something to hold onto.They even try to whisper in my ear seeds of doubt  and fear. Well, today, they tried to do it again. I was very tempted to fall back into some addictive mindsets. I thought that the only way to "escape" was thru a bottle. Well, I am happy to say that I do not need to escape again.It has been 14yrs since I had a drink and after playing it over and over in my head, God showed me where he had delivered me from once again and showed me that He loves me when I am like this just as much as when I am not. It was as though He literally "jumped" the demonic forces at play in my mind and made them quit bullying me. Thank you once again Father for taking care of me and reminding me not just how far you have brought me from, but showed me that you have great plans for me. I love you! your daughter. Joy

Saturday, February 12, 2011

In the valley
On the mountain
In the fire
Or the river
I find you in the most unexpected places
In my doubting
When I'm hopeless
When I'm hurting
I find you in the place where I need you the most
I need you in my challenges and
In the promise of my tomorrow’s
I need you in my tears, in my anguish,
In the love and in my despair
You are all that I need in these times, Father
You are all I need


Thursday, December 30, 2010


I don't think I have ever been so excited for a new year to begin. 2010 was so great even with all the trials and things that went on, it was still really good. But, I firmly believe that 2011 will be an even greater year. God has really been stirring some things inside my heart concerning some direction and some new territory that he is preparing not just myself but others for. It is something unexpected but so exciting. Something different. Not just a "New Season" that we have declared in the past, but different. One of the keys to us walking in this different phase of life is knowing the Word of God. Not just some memorized scriptures, but studying out some life applicable truths. The time has come for us to quit "quoting" the  Word of God and begin to "Live" the Word of God. We have to get it deep into our spirits, past our minds that act as a filter before it gets to our heart. If we allow God to, he will remove that filter that over analyzes the word, debates the word and changes the word to fit our situation, need, or desire for the moment. If the filter is gone, his word will go straight to our hearts and we can grab hold of the truth in the word at a more deeper level than before. In Psalms 119:111 it says "I have hidden  your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you." It doesn't say to lock into your mind, or to argue and debate the word. It says to hide the word in our hearts. How do we do this? Read, read, read!!!!Ask God for revelation every time we read his word. He will give it to us because He is a faithful and loving Father. I believe another key this year is to get connected with people of your church. We go to church week after week, but do we know that person that sneaks in the back row 30 minutes after church begins? Make attempts to learn something new about someone every time we go to church or on an outing with them. Lastly, I believe that we should try to make a commitment to share the love of Christ with someone every day. Let's not live our lives without using our peripheral vision to look beyond us.Quit not making eye contact with people you are trying to avoid at work, school, church, etc. We have to get the basics of what Jesus did when he was walking the earth to truly make a difference in this world. We have to follow in His footsteps in order to be an impact on this world's lost. 2011 is that year to "Impact". So, let's grab onto the basics of the word of God, refocus our vision, and make an Impact in 2011!